Purpose of Blog

The purpose of this blog is to keep Association Members informed of the work and progress of the Nominations Committee for the 2015 elections to the Board of Directors. No comments are accepted on the site. However, you can communicate with the committee by sending an e-mail to POC2015nominations@gmail.com or contacting them individually.

April 2nd Notice from Committee to Association Members

Nominating Committee


April 2, 2015

Message to Association Members

As you know, at last year’s annual meeting the Association agreed to reinstate the use of a nominating committee.

If any Association member (Unit Owner) is interested in being nominated for the Board of Directors at this year’s Annual Meeting (May 12th), please send an e-mail to the Nominating Committee at POC2015nominations@gmail.com by April 10th.

In your e-message, please state why you are interested in serving on the Board, what value you believe you would add, and a short bio of yourself (photo optional).  

You may also nominate other qualified persons if you have obtained their agreement to do so.

Please consult the Association’s Bylaws for qualifications and eligibility to serve. (Click here.) In addition, nominees must affirm that they intend to serve their terms if elected.

Nominations, of course, can always be made from the floor at the annual meeting.

For your information, this notice and the minutes of the Nominating Committee’s meetings are available here:   

Other information pertaining to this matter can be seen on the Committee’s web site (click here).

If you have questions about this matter, please contact any of the members of the committee, listed below, or send an e-message to the Committee’s e-mail, address.

Raed Hamdan (Chair)  Bille Hougart   Helen Kay    Jessica Patterson Long    Ed Mulrenin (Secretary)