Purpose of Blog

The purpose of this blog is to keep Association Members informed of the work and progress of the Nominations Committee for the 2015 elections to the Board of Directors. No comments are accepted on the site. However, you can communicate with the committee by sending an e-mail to POC2015nominations@gmail.com or contacting them individually.

Potowmac Overlook Condominium Association

2015 Nominating Committee

April 19, 2015


 The meeting convened at 7:10. All members of the committee were present, Raed Hamdan (chair), Ed Mulrenin (secretary), Bille Hougart, Jessica Patterson Long, Helen Kay.

1- Minutes from March 31 meeting.  Approved.

2- Nominating Committee’s Basic Report.  Discussed with minor changes.

3. Vote to Close Meeting. Approved.

4- Resolution for the Two vs. Three Seats. The Committee approved the proposed Resolution to cure this Bylaws violation in the 2016 election or in the 2015 election if a vacancy exists on the board in at least one non-expiring terms at the time of the election. The Committee also discussed various scenarios and how they would affect any further nominations the Committee would be entitled to make at the meeting.

5. Review of Selection Criteria for Nominees.  The Committee members discussed what they would like to see as the main selection criteria in coming up with a slate of two (or three) nominees.

6- Selection of Nominees. The names of the four candidates who had responded to the Committee’s call or outreach were read.  The Committee members voted on each of the four names individually and three candidates received the votes of three or more committee members.  The chair then proposed that we set up three slates of two names each and that each committee member vote for as many of the three slates as he or she wished and the one, if any, with the highest number of votes would be the majority’s choice for the 2015 nominees.  At the end of the voting, the slate of Bille Hougart-Ed Mulrenin received the highest note.

7- Vote on Report of the Committee. A vote was taken on the final Nomination Report was voted on and the vote was split 3/2.  (SEE POST MEETING DECISION, BELOW.)

8- Minority Report. The two minority members agreed that there would be a minority report and agreed who their nominee would be. (SEE POST-MEETING DECISION, BELOW.)

9- Script for Committee’s Report at Annual Meeting. The script for the election was reviewed just so committee members knew what would occur at the election and what the committee chair needed to prepare for.

Post-Meeting Decision. Helen Kay subsequently changed her vote on the nominating committee report to FOR, bringing the vote to 4/1, thereby avoiding the minority report. No member asked to discuss this at a meeting. The full correspondence related to this action is shown below for the record.