Purpose of Blog

The purpose of this blog is to keep Association Members informed of the work and progress of the Nominations Committee for the 2015 elections to the Board of Directors. No comments are accepted on the site. However, you can communicate with the committee by sending an e-mail to POC2015nominations@gmail.com or contacting them individually.

2015 Nominating Committee Report to the Association

 Potowmac Overlook Condominium Association
2015 Nominating Committee Report to the Association  
The POCA Nominating Committee was reactivated by the Association at the 2014 Annual Meeting and formed on March 3, 2015.  The membership of the 2015 committee is as follows: Raed Hamdan (chair), Bille Hougart, Jessica Patterson Long, Helen Kay, and Ed Mulrenin (secretary). The purpose of the committee is to recruit and nominate qualified and eligible Unit Owners to serve on the Board of Directors.  Nominations may also be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
In nominating individuals for the Board, the Committee must look to the Bylaws, Article III, Section (1), for direction on the number of Board seats up for election. According to the Bylaws, three seats should be up for election this year, but there are only two according to the current succession pattern.  This discrepancy mistakenly occurred somewhere along the line without any change to the Bylaws or Association resolutions. Inasmuch as this discrepancy is inconsistent with the Bylaws, it must be rectified as the Association cannot waive the Bylaws.  The Committee proposes, therefore, that the Association cure this violation of the Bylaws in the 2016 three-seat election by resolving that the person receiving the third highest number of votes in the 2016 election will be elected for an initial term of one year. (See attached Resolution.) However, if at the time of the May 12, 2015, election there exists at least one vacancy among the seats not up for reelection, the Committee will amend the attached Resolution to restore in 2015 the succession mandated by the Bylaws to elect three persons to three seats for two-year terms. 
Assuming that there are only two seats up for election at the 2015 meeting, the Committee nominates the below-named individuals to serve on the Board of Directors for two-year terms. The committee has confirmed that the nominees are unit owners or otherwise qualified to serve; are eligible in that no lien has been perfected against their units for failure to pay the assessment; and have indicated that it is their intention to serve their full terms if elected.    Statements from these nominees are hyperlinked from their names below.  
If the Association resolves to solve the succession problem in the 2015 election and there are THREE seats up for election for two-year terms, the Committee reserves the right to nominate a third individual at the Annual Meeting.
The Committee nominates the following individuals:
There will be a minority report at the Annual Meeting.
This notice and related material can be found at www.POC2015nominations.blogspot.com



Potowmac Overlook Condominium Association
WHEREAS: The Association's Bylaws, Article III, Section (1), call for the election to two-year terms of three (3) members of the Board of Directors in odd years and two (2) in even years;
WHEREAS: 2015 is an odd year in which three (3) seats should be up for election;
WHEREAS: Somewhere in the past the succession pattern mandated in the Bylaws got improperly interrupted without any change in the Bylaws or Association resolutions and the current succession being followed shows two (2) seats up for election in 2015;
WHEREAS: The Association cannot waive or violate the Bylaws;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, in order to cure the violation of the Bylaws, at the time of the 2016 election when three seats shall be up for election, the person receiving the third highest number of votes shall be elected for an initial term of one-year.