Purpose of Blog

The purpose of this blog is to keep Association Members informed of the work and progress of the Nominations Committee for the 2015 elections to the Board of Directors. No comments are accepted on the site. However, you can communicate with the committee by sending an e-mail to POC2015nominations@gmail.com or contacting them individually.

Bille Hougart

Bille has lived in Potomac Overlook since 1989. He has served on the POCA Board as Treasurer and as Secretary, and has experience managing condominium projects, most recently in 2013 proposing to the Association the need for a feasibility study for more accessible entrances, then spearheading the study, and then securing the Association’s unanimous consent at the 2014 annual meeting.
Since retiring from his professional career, Bille has written six books and is always working on another. His professional experience focused on science policy, including work as government relations chief for The Oceanic Institute of Hawaii; Assistant Director of the Science and Education Administration, US Department of Agriculture; Aquaculture Coordinator in the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture; Adjunct Professor, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University; Policy analyst in agriculture, natural resources and fisheries policies, US Office of Management and Budget; Staff scientist in the National Academy of Sciences, and, as Legislative Assistant, US Congress.
Bille received a number of awards for his service in science policy, including a Presidential Certificate of Appreciation