Purpose of Blog

The purpose of this blog is to keep Association Members informed of the work and progress of the Nominations Committee for the 2015 elections to the Board of Directors. No comments are accepted on the site. However, you can communicate with the committee by sending an e-mail to POC2015nominations@gmail.com or contacting them individually.

Ed Mulrenin (902)

I have been Potowmac Overlook resident for 36 years.  In fact, I was the first owner and served on the Association’s first two boards as president. Over the years I served on twelve boards, mostly as president, but also as treasurer and secretary.
There are three reasons why I wish to rejoin the board.
First, I believe we all have an obligation to help out with the governance of the condo however we can.
Second, my monthly condo fee will soon go over $1000 a month, and that concerns me, especially with some very big capital expenses looming. Everything our boards do here comes down to two things, our quality of life and our condo fee. Where possible, I hope to change both for the better.
Third, new board member Raed Hamdan is bringing to the board the kind of experience, enthusiasm, interest in the Association, and desire to move things forward that have not been seen here for a long time, perhaps ever. If my years on the board are any guide, he is going to need help, and I and Bille Hougart want to offer that help.
As for my background, after internships at New York Telephone Company and IBM’s headquarters, and two years as a naval officer in the Naval Security Group, I spent three years at the then-new Overseas Private Investment Corporation as a Political Risk Insurance Officer and operations research analyst. I then moved on to spend my career at the Federal Reserve, where I first headed up the Fed’s budget operation and then as a member of the official staff in four departments, Controller, Secretary, what is now the Chief Operating Officer, and IT.  During my time at the Fed, I was responsible for the creation of the Office of Inspector General, and spent a year helping start up the Oversight Board of the Resolution Trust Corporation.  I left the Fed after being recruited through the World Bank and IMF to serve as Secretary to the Committee on Banking Reform and Reconstruction of the Russian Federation in Moscow.
My education includes a B.A. in Economics (Fordham), M.B.A in finance (Columbia Business School), J.D. (George Washington), A.M.P. (Harvard Business School), and numerous courses in Russian. I am member of the D.C. Bar, among other bars.
 I look forward to serving the Association once again if elected with Bille Hougart.