Purpose of Blog

The purpose of this blog is to keep Association Members informed of the work and progress of the Nominations Committee for the 2015 elections to the Board of Directors. No comments are accepted on the site. However, you can communicate with the committee by sending an e-mail to POC2015nominations@gmail.com or contacting them individually.

PROVISIONS in DC Condominium Act, June 21, 2014...Excerpts dealing with Nominations

There are no provisions in the DC Condominium Act that deal directly with nominations for the Board of Directors or nominating committees. The provisions that are in there that have any bearing on the activities of the nominating committee deal with the definition of unit owner, good standing, meetings, and records.  Those sections are as follows:

Section 42-1901.02. Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter:

(31) "Unit owner" shall mean a declarant or any person who owns a condominium unit. In the case of a leasehold condominium, "unit owner" shall mean a declarant or person whose leasehold interest in the condominium extends for the entire balance of the unexpired term. The term "unit owner" shall not include a person who has an interest in a condominium unit solely as a security for a debt.

(32) "Unit owner in good standing," unless otherwise defined in the condominium instruments, shall mean a unit owner who is not delinquent for more than 30 days in the payment of any amount owed to the unit owners' association, or a unit owner who has not been found by the unit owners' association or its executive board to be in violation of the condominium instruments or the rules of the unit owners' association.

Section 42-1901.03. Ownership of individual units

Each condominium unit shall constitute for all purposes a separate parcel of real estate, distinct from all other condominium units. Any condominium unit may be owned by more than 1 person as joint tenants, as tenants in common, as tenants by the entirety (in the case of husband and wife), or in any other real estate tenancy relationship recognized under the laws of the District of Columbia.

 Subchapter III. Control and Governance of Condominiums.

Section 42-1903.03. Meetings; electronic notice.

(b)( 1) Except as otherwise provided in the condominium instruments, all meetings of the unit owners' association, committees of the unit owners' association, and the executive board shall be open for observation to all unit owners in good standing. Minutes shall be recorded and shall be available for examination and copying by unit owners in good standing. This right of examination may be exercised:

(A) Only during reasonable business hours or at a mutually convenient time and location; and requested.

(5)(A) The executive board, upon a motion and an affirmative vote in an open meeting to assemble in executive session, may convene in executive session to consider:

(vi) Matters involving individual unit owners or members. . .

(vii) On an individually recorded affirmative vote of two-thirds of the board members present, for some other exceptional reason so compelling as to override the general public policy in favor of open meetings

 Section 42-1903.06. Officers; disqualification.

(a) If the condominium instruments provide that any officer or officers must be unit owners, then any such officer who disposes of all of his units in fee or for a term or terms of 6 months or more shall be deemed to have disqualified himself from continuing in office unless the condominium instruments otherwise provide, or unless he acquires or contracts to acquire another unit in the condominium under terms giving him a right of occupancy thereto effective on or before the termination of his right of occupancy under such disposition or dispositions.

(b) If the condominium instruments provide that any officer or officers must be unit owners, then notwithstanding the provisions of Section 42-1902.06(1), the term "unit owner" in such context shall, unless the condominium instruments otherwise provide, be deemed to include, without limitation, any director, officer, partner in, or trustee of any person, which is, either alone or in conjunction with another person or persons, a unit owner. Any officer who would not be eligible to serve as such were he not a director, officer, partner in, or trustee of such a person, shall be deemed to have disqualified himself from continuing in office if he ceases to have any such affiliation with that person, or if that person would itself have been deemed to have disqualified itself from continuing in such office under subsection (a) of this section were it a natural person holding such office.

 Section 42-1903.14. Books, minutes, and records; inspection.

(b) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, books and records kept by or on behalf of the unit owners' association, including the unit owners' association membership list, mailing addresses of unit owners, and financial records, including aggregate salary information of the unit owners' association employees, shall be available in the District of Columbia and within 50 miles of the District of Columbia, for examination and copying by a unit owner in good standing or such unit owner's authorized agent so long as the request is for a proper purpose related to the unit owner's membership in the unit owners' association, and not for pecuniary gain, commercial solicitation, or other purpose unrelated to the unit owner's membership in the unit owners' association. This right of examination may be exercised only during reasonable hours on business days. The books shall be subject to an independent audit upon the request of owners of units to which 33 1/3 % of the votes in the unit owners' association pertain or a lower percentage as may be specified.

(c)(l) Books and records kept by or on behalf of a unit owners' association may be withheld from examination or copying by unit owners and their agents to the extent that they are drafts not yet incorporated into the unit owners' association's books and records or if the books and records concern:

     (A) Personnel matters relating to specific, identified persons who work for the unit owners' association, including a person's medical records;

     (B) Contracts, leases, and other commercial transactions to purchase or provide goods or services, currently in or under negotiation;

     (C) Pending or anticipated litigation;

     (D) Matters involving state or local administrative or other formal proceedings before a government tribunal for enforcement of the condominium instruments or rules and regulations promulgated by the executive board;

    (E) Communications with legal counsel;

    (F) Disclosure of information in violation of law;

    (G) Minutes or other records of an executive session of the executive board;

    (H) Documentation, correspondence, management, or reports compiled for or on behalf of the unit owners' association or the executive board by its agents or committees for consideration by the executive board in executive session; or

    (I) Individual unit owner or member files, other than those of the requesting unit owner, including any individual unit owner's files kept by or on behalf of the unit owners' association.